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Pastel Spring Workshop for 2015
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Soft Chalk Pastel Classes with Elaine Cimino
Feb 3, 2015 to Feb 24, 2015 at North Valley SC Soft Chalk Pastel Classes with Elaine Cimino are Being Offered at the North Valley Senior Center February 3-24th on Tuesday Afternoons 4:30pm-6:30pm.
Register online here or call the Senior Center and Register at the front desk. Address: 3825 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone:(505) 761-402
Expand your creativity! Take art classes and learn skills that will be with you for a life-time.
This art class covers color theory, drawing and painting techniques in soft chalk pastels. Learn how to draw from still life and photograghs. Most imagery is drawing landscapes.
You learn about papers and various drawing techniques.
Beginners welcomed.
If you are experienced or have taken previous classes please bring your art work to class to show me what you would like
to work on for this session. Check out Artist Elaine Cimino portfolio online at
Register at front desk or online
Earthscapes Series and US Artists Projects
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I am working on a new series of paintings called, “Earthscapes.
The Earthscapes painting project creates a new series of 7 large format paintings that conceptualizes and contextualizes our relationship to water and its effects on society. The essence of my painting is landscape that discovers the effects of water and evokes the sense of place. The Evolutionary Landscape Series has been the focus of my artwork and Earthscapes has evolved o
ut of this work. In this project focus on imagery of satellite and microcosms view points of landscape and human relationships to it, and the behavior that has altered the ability for the Earth’s systems to cool the planet and my work will address the repercussions of action and inaction of the crisis.
I will blog updates and thoughts on process as I move forward with this new journey. Please join me on and help support this endeavor.
Upcoming Spring 2013 Art Workshops in ABQ
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Study of Georgia Okeefe painting usine Pastel and Watercolor
There are several classes being offered for adults at the North Valley and Highland Senior Centers. Please see our web page and sign up. You can pay for the class online or come to class and pay. Please remember to sign up if you are interested. We try to have at least 3 people and the limit is 8 people per class. Classes may cancel if we do not have the attendance needed. Whether you are experienced or a beginner you are welcome. Depending on the experience of the class each lesson will be geared towards the students interest. → Read more
Reminder Children’s Born To Draw Saturday Morning Art Classes
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Course Proposal and Syllabus:
Session 1
Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program
The Born to Draw program is designed for children in grades K-6th. The Children’s Spring Workshop will be for children 7-11 years of age. The course is designed to teach observational drawing though shape relationships. The students will learn formal elements of drawing such as mark making, line, shape, placement, angels, textures, value, color, and perspective. Session A runs from January 26 to March 2, 2013
Each class is geared for the child to complete a drawing within the allotted 40-50 minutes or less time frame. The Born to Draw Step-by-Step Drawing program features animals and still life. Children should know basic shapes of the square, triangle, circle and oval. I encourage parents to have their children attend both sessions. Session B runs from March 23 to April 27
The classes will be offered for two 50-minute sessions with a five-minute break and time for set up and clean up included in the class. Total length of class time is 2 hours.
Drawing and Art Techniques
Depending on the age and the child’s development and skill levels, it is possible to evolve into another session for a continuum of developing drawing skills. Throughout the class the children will experiment with different media that include watercolor, color pencil, pen and ink.
Painting by Cezanne Still Life – 1890-94 oil on canvas
Session 2
Drawing Still Life
Drawing from 3D objects increases your children’s knowledge of the effects of light on form, volume and line. Observational drawing teaches one to learn to see. Students will work with still-life setups, start with simple materials and compositions, then move to more complicated media exploring textures and concepts. This is a great class to begin studies in art or to improve drawing skills.
Painting of Giorgio Morandi Modern still life
In this session the students will be introduced to great master artists like Cezanne, Matisse, Morandi, O’Keeffe and Steir.
The second session builds on the first session, however, all beginning drawers are welcome. Beginners who have not had the Born to Draw classes’ prior will start with the curriculum of the first session.
17544 Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program (ages 7-11), Section A Tuition: $160.00 Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 6 sessions starting January 26, 2013, ending March 2, 2013 Location: CE South Building Instructor: Cimino Materials Cost: $0.00 Available Discounts Available 11/26/2012 17544 Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program (ages 7-11), Section B Tuition: $160.00 Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 6 sessions starting March 23, 2013, ending April 27, 2013 Location: CE South Building Instructor: Cimino Materials Cost: $0.00 Available Discounts Available 3/23/2013Tags: Art Education, arts programs, Born to Draw, Children’s art, children’s arts,Community Arts, drawing, Elaine Cimino, learn to draw, Learn to paint, Learning,Visual Arts
Reminder Painting with Soft Chalk Pastels Classes with Elaine Cimino
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Expand your creativity! Take art classes and learn skills that will be with you for a life-time. This art class covers color theory and painting techniques in soft chalk pastels. You learn about papers and various drawing techniques. Beginners welcomed. If you are experienced or have taken previous classes please bring your art work to class to show me what you would like to work on for this session.
Autumn in the Rockies
Reminder classes begin on Tuesday. Please contact Elaine Cimino on the website to register. This Class is a workshop setting.
Where: North Valley Senior Center
Times: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Days: Tuesdays January 8th – January 29th (3 classes)
Cost: $45.00
Other: Materials List available Online
Register: Online registration Available
Happy Holidays
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Happy Holidays From Elaine Cimino Studios!
Warhol Warhol Everywhere
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BY Rachel Wolff
A quarter century after Andy Warhol’s death, his work resonates more than ever. Several museum exhibitions are focusing on his influence in painting, photography, film, performance, and more
Deborah Kass, 16 Barbras (The Jewish Jackie Series), 1992, a Warhol-inspired series with wit and irony added
“The worst thing that could happen to you after the end of your time would be to be embalmed and laid up in a pyramid,” Andy Warhol wrote in his 1975 book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again). “[I] like the idea of people turning into sand or something, so the machinery keeps working after you die. … I guess disappearing would be shirking work that your machinery still had left to do.”
Few artists are so eager and able to accurately assess their legacy, but there is something eerily prescient about Warhol’s grainy conception of death. His machinery, it seems, is still very much ticking away. His themes, processes, personas, and approach to making art are evident in everything from the ready-mades and Pop portraits of his direct descendents to the work of some of the most boundary-pushing conceptualists, abstract painters, and video artists working today. → Read more
Barbara Kruger Created the Billboards and Buses For the Best Ad Campaign in the City Right Now
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A Silver Lake billboard that recently hawked Avion tequila took on a very different tone last month. “SUPPORT PUBLIC EDUCATION OR FACE CATASTROPHE!” read the near-apocalyptic message in stark black type. On Santa Monica Boulevard, the wisdom of Robert Frost crept by in the same foot-tall, all-caps characters, wrapped around a Metro bus: “Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.”
This campaign, which launched in October and has quickly become both the best-looking and most ubiquitous advertising on L.A.’s streets, is produced by art organization ForYourArt to benefit the Los Angeles Fund for Public Education (or LA Fund for short), a nonprofit co-founded by LAUSD superintendent John Deasy last year. And the artist is none other than the legendary Barbara Kruger, whose signature black, white and red graphics — like a public service announcement meets reassuring Mad Men-era advertising — reads spectacularly well in L.A.’s urban environment.
How smart can we get?
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Watch How Smart Can We Get? on PBS. See more from NOVA scienceNOW.
This is a great series about what it means to be smart. What were the circumstances that grew Einstein’s brain?
Nurture creates nature vs. nature creates nurture. The hypothesis is that playing a musical instrument (the Violin in Einstein’s Case) helps to access intuition.
How creativity and creative thought manifests ways of conceptualizations that can be attributed to problem solving. The actual act of creating art and focus on problem solving allows people to enter the “Zone”
Thus allowing for processes to appear, emerge to the top and to access other intelligences and perhaps intuition itself. Musicians that learn to play an Instrument as a young person developed “bumps” on the brain that may increase intuitive thought.
Growing the brain is important and to keep it in shape mandatory.
Watercolors by Gerhard Richter
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I am posting the biography for Richter that is on his website along with links, one of which is the link to the 250 abstract and portrait watercolors Richter has created. It is my hope that my students view his works to see the great body of work that he has cultivated over his life. i am a fan of his work and only hope I have the opportunity to view his work once again.
His current exhibtion, “Seven Works” at the Portland Museum is closing Spetember 9th 2012.
An important group of paintings from the Gray Series by this post-World War II German artist, Richter positions painting as a formally reductive and sensuously rich experience through these groundbreaking works from the late 1960s to mid-1970s. — Curated by Bruce Guenther, The Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art.
“I blur things to make everything equally important and equally unimportant. I blur things so that they do not look artistic or craftsmanlike but technological, smooth and perfect. I blur things to make all the parts a closer fit. Perhaps I also blur out the excess of unimportant information.” Gerhard Richter
Richter in the 21st Century: Real and Tangible Accomplishments
“Well, after this century of grand proclamations and terrible illusions, I hope for an era in which real and tangible accomplishments, and not grand proclamations, are the only things that count.”1 → Read more