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New Mexico Landscapes
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Demo Paintings Series Showing
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Demo Painting Series — this is a series of acrylic landscape paintings prepared for a home exhibit for realtors, designers and their clientele. The paintings were done as demonstration paintings while teaching landscape and still life painting. The showings will be in the East Mountains Oct 16th & 17th. The paintings are centered around points of interest and places in NM. Paintings are 10″x8″ on canvas framed and matted 11×14.
Vivid colors juxtaposed against warm and cool hues, mixed with a complimentary pallete, bring the landscape alive and gives one a sense of place in New Mexico. Shape, form, texture, all plays an integral part of the artworks.
This oil painting resulted from a computer generated image that I designed for the Born to Draw Children’s Art Drawing Program. The computer image was to be a demo from the Matisse cut-out project that teach color and shape relationships to 3rd grade -6th grade children.
The composition of the piece had to fit an elongated format of the slab door without looking like a montage of two pictures juxtaposed.
There were objects changes from the original sketch. The paint is drying now and after completely dried I would like to apply to the painting a non-yellowing and UV protect varnish. There is not enough time to do that and allow the painting to completely dry before the artist reception. The painting was completed on a slab door 30″ by 80″ in oil. The sides and back ofhte painting is stain natural and has a hand wax and polished finish.
I hope that whomever purchases “When Life Serves You Lemons…” enjoys the painting for a very long time.
Come learn about the artist within you.
Elaine Cimino will be speaking about the the Born to Draw Children’s and Adult Drawing Program, as part of the Spirit, Mind and Body Month Series program at the HB Horn YMCA 4901 Indian School Rd. NE March 14th 2012 at 6 PM
Come listen, learn and experience the Born to Draw program. Children, Parents, Teachers all adults are invited.
Elemental Vortex
For more information visit the website at or
or call 505 604-9772
When Life serves you Lemons... is the title of the piece for the Sawmill land trust art action to be held on April 24th at the Hotel Albuquerque 5-8 pm
This is the painting I just finished today called, “When life serves you lemons…” I am working on it in a corner of my kitchen. It is for a fundraiser for the Sawmill Land Trust art auction they picked 25 artists and will have a reception April 6th and the Art Auction will be held at the Hotel Albuquerque April 26th 5-8pm. The painting is a homage to Henri Matisse and a painting that should sell. It is painted on a door slab 30″ x 80 ” painted in oils. it is up to the buyer of the painting to use as an artwork or a door.
is the theme of Sawmill Community Land Trust’s upcoming Door Show and Auction. The Show will take place on April 6th on St. Clair Winery /Bistro’s East Patio and the auction occurs on Thursday April 26th, 2012 at Hotel Albuquerque. participating artists will create their vision of the theme on 32″ x 80″ interior slab doors. The doors are intended to be blank canvases and the donors will end up with the option to hang them as art pieced of transform them into doors.
A door is a symbol of new opportunity, hope and promise.
“No place like home”
Follow the progress on Www.ElaineCiminosSudios Website as she creates the work in progress and participates in the auction.
The donations for this event goes to the Sawmill Community land Trust which is a nNGO that works to break the cycle of poverty and revitalize neighborhoods through the creation of quality, affordable housing and sustainable economic opportunities for low -to moderate income individuals and families in Bernalillo County.

Painters At work
Research offers industry-specific, regional, and demographic data on the 2.1 million artists working in the U.S.
For immediate release October 28, 2011
Contact: Sally Gifford 202-682-5606 giffords@arts.govThere are 2.1 million artists in the United States workforce, and a large portion of them — designers — contribute to industries whose products Americans use every day, according to new research from the National Endowment for the Arts. Artists and Arts Workers in the United States offers the first combined analysis of artists and industries, state and metro employment rates, and new demographic information such as age, education levels, income, ethnicity, and other social characteristics.
This latest report builds on earlier NEA research — Artists in the Workforce: 1990 – 2005 — which identified key traits that differentiated artists from other U.S. workers. That report found artists to be entrepreneurial (more likely to be self-employed) and more educated than the workforce at large. This latest research confirms those earlier conclusions and shares new data about the working artist. Among the key findings:
There are 2.1 million artists in the United States. They make up 1.4 percent of the total workforce, and 6.9 percent of the professional workforce (artists are classified as “professional workers”).
More than one-third of artists in the survey (39 percent, or 829,000 workers) are designers (such as graphic, commercial, and industrial designers, fashion designers, floral designers, interior designers, merchandise displayers, and set and exhibit designers.) Performing artists make up the next largest category (17 percent). In addition, each of the following occupations make up 10 percent of all artists: fine artists, art directors, and animators; writers and authors; and architects. Between 2000 and 2009, the artist labor force increased by 5 percent while the civilian labor force grew by nearly 8 percent. (i)Artists work in many industries and job sectors
More than half of artists (54 percent) work in the private, for-profit sector; 35 percent are self-employed. One in three artists (34 percent) works in the “professional, scientific, and technical services” sector, which includes architectural and design firms, advertising agencies and consulting firms, and companies offering computer or photographic services. One in five (18 percent) of artists work in the “performing arts, spectator sports, and independent artists” category, including more than half (53 percent) of all musicians. Fourteen percent of all artists (73 percent of producers and directors, 23 percent of actors, and 20 percent of writers and authors) work in “information” industries, such as the motion picture, video, and broadcasting industries, or newspaper, book, or directory publishing.Wage gaps persist
Women artists earn $0.81 cents for every dollar earned by men artists. This gap is similar to that in the overall labor force (where women earn $0.80 cents for every dollar earned by men); professional women earn even less — $0.74 for every dollar earned by professional men. (ii) Artists’ median wages and salaries ($43,000 in 2009) are higher than the median for the whole labor force ($39,000). Yet artists as a whole earn far less than the median wage of the “professional” category of workers ($54,000), to which they belong. Architects make the highest median wage ($63,000), while workers who are classified as “other entertainers” had the lowest ($25,000). (iii)Artist demographics
Artists are less socioeconomically and demographically diverse than the total U.S. workforce, yet diversity levels vary across individual artist occupations. While artists as a whole are less likely to be foreign-born than other U.S. workers, some of the highest-paid artist occupations have the highest rates of foreign-born workers. Architects and designers are the most likely to be foreign-born (14 to 16 percent, roughly the same as the U.S. workforce). Artists work at home at more than three times the rate of the total labor force (15 versus 4 percent). Artists are just as likely to be married as the general workforce (53-54 percent).Artist-heavy states and regions
New York and California have the highest numbers of artists in the U.S. Oregon and Vermont have 20 percent greater-than-average numbers of artists, with writers and authors especially prominent. Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, Washington, and Rhode Island outdo the national average. In Tennessee, 22 percent of all working artists are musicians. Minnesota, New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have the most workers in the book publishing industry. (iv) The San Jose, California metro area has the highest level of employment in industrial design services — more than 3 times the U.S. average. (v)The NEA analyzed data from the U.S. Census American Community Survey, a new annual survey tool that complements the decennial census. The note analyzed 11 distinct artist occupations: actors, announcers, architects, dancers and choreographers, designers, fine artists, art directors and animators, musicians, other entertainers, photographers, producers and directors, and writers and authors. The NEA used a five-year data set (2005-2009) to get a large enough sample size for a thorough analysis. New data on employment patterns and freelance artists reveal more accurate totals for this mobile, entrepreneurial group of workers.
About NEA Research
The NEA is the only federal agency to conduct long-term and detailed analyses of arts participation. For more than 30 years, the NEA Office of Research & Analysis has produced periodic research reports, brochures, and notes on significant topics affecting artists and arts organizations, often in partnership with other federal agencies such as the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Recently, the NEA announced a new research grant opportunity to foster more research on the value and impact of the arts on the nation. The NEA is committed to extending the conversation about arts participation by making data available to both the research community and the public at large.
About the National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts was established by Congress in 1965 as an independent agency of the federal government. To date, the NEA has awarded more than $4 billion to support artistic excellence, creativity, and innovation for the benefit of individuals and communities. The NEA extends its work through partnerships with state arts agencies, local leaders, other federal agencies, and the philanthropic sector. To join the discussion on how art works, visit the NEA at
i. Bureau of Labor Statistics ii. These calculations are for full-year/full-time work only. iii. Annual wages and salaries are provided only for full-time, full-year artists, based on 2009 estimates.. iv. From the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, which tracks employment by industry, not occupation. This data includes both artists and other workers in that industry. v. Ibid.