Archive for the ‘Workshops and Classes’ Category
Watercolor Still Life
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Here are the Watercolor Demonstrations paintings for the North Valley Senior Center Classes. The next water Color Classes are October 2018 with a concentration of NM landscape painting. See the Activites Calendar for the City of Albuquerque Senior Centers, become a member and Sign up for Classes. Art Classes are fee-based and materials are provided. Elaine Cimino’s Classes offers people a chance to experience a range of media and learn drawing skills and basic foundation to inform whatever medium they want to pursue. No experience necessary. intermediate classes offered as well.
Watercolor, 9″x12″ Glass with Flower
Watercolor, 12″x9″ slice of Watermelon
Watercolor, 9″x12″ Peaches
Watercolor, 12″x9″ Bowl of Cherries
Demo Paintings Series Showing
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Demo Painting Series — this is a series of acrylic landscape paintings prepared for a home exhibit for realtors, designers and their clientele. The paintings were done as demonstration paintings while teaching landscape and still life painting. The showings will be in the East Mountains Oct 16th & 17th. The paintings are centered around points of interest and places in NM. Paintings are 10″x8″ on canvas framed and matted 11×14.
Vivid colors juxtaposed against warm and cool hues, mixed with a complimentary pallete, bring the landscape alive and gives one a sense of place in New Mexico. Shape, form, texture, all plays an integral part of the artworks.
Learn Pastels the easy way! Painting with Pastels
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Learn pastels and expand your creativity! Take art classes and learn skills that will be with you for a life-time.
This art class covers color theory and painting techniques in soft chalk pastels. You learn about papers and various drawing techniques. Beginners welcomed.
If you are experienced or have taken previous classes please bring your art work to class to show me what you would like to work on for this session.
Register at front desk or online.
Where: North Valley Senior Center
Times: 4:30pm – 6:30 pm
Dates: February 3 – 24 th
Days: Tuesday Afternoons
Cost: $45.00 person
Other: Materials supplied
Mixing it Up! Mixed Media Art Class
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You will learn how to apply and create textures, while making visually pleasing and interesting artwork. Learn resist techniques and photocollage transfers.
Elaine Cimino, artist/instructor, has 20 plus years experience teaching art to all levels and ages of students according to their abilities.
Learn the fundamentals of art to apply to your own interests and artwork.
No experience necessary. Register at front desk or call the Senior Center to sign up
Address: 3825 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone:(505) 761-4025
Painting Flowers with Acrylics
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Address: 3825 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone:(505) 761-4025
Materials provided
For additonal infomration on artist instructor see:
Beginning Adult Drawing
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Apr 7, 2015 to Apr 28, 2015 at North Valley Senior Center
Charcoal Drawing
Beginning Adult Drawing Classes at the Albuquerque North Valley Senior Center Begin April 7th, 2015 through the April 28th, 2015. Register online here or call the Senior Center and Register at the front desk. Address: 3825 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone:(505) 761-4025No Experience Necessary, Sign up even if you can only draw stick figures.
Elaine Cimino, who taught college drawing and painting for 20 years, is offering drawinglessons to senior center members 50+ adults.
Learn how draw using the chiaroscuro “3D” techniques Use of pencil, ink, and charcoal Brush up on value, composition and formal elements of design and art Apply to various mediums and genres using still life and landscape photos. The supplies includedWatercolor painting Spring 2015
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Mar 3, 2015 to Mar 24, 2015 at North Valley SC
Discover new applications to painting with watercolor techniques.
Watercolor painting is a beginning water color class. You will learn to apply how to create textures and make visually pleasing and interesting artwork. Each of the classes with Elaine Cimino covers color theory, drawing techniques, and other formal elements of design that creates pleasing images. You will learn to paint from photgraphs and still lifes. Come prepared to have fun learning the basics of watercolor. Class are offered on Tuesday afternoons, 4:30pm-6:30 pm, March 3-24, 2015.
No experience necessary. Materials provided. Register online here or call the Senior Center and Register at the front desk. Address: 3825 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone:(505) 761-402
Event Details Ccost
Pastel Spring Workshop for 2015
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Soft Chalk Pastel Classes with Elaine Cimino
Feb 3, 2015 to Feb 24, 2015 at North Valley SC Soft Chalk Pastel Classes with Elaine Cimino are Being Offered at the North Valley Senior Center February 3-24th on Tuesday Afternoons 4:30pm-6:30pm.
Register online here or call the Senior Center and Register at the front desk. Address: 3825 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87107 Phone:(505) 761-402
Expand your creativity! Take art classes and learn skills that will be with you for a life-time.
This art class covers color theory, drawing and painting techniques in soft chalk pastels. Learn how to draw from still life and photograghs. Most imagery is drawing landscapes.
You learn about papers and various drawing techniques.
Beginners welcomed.
If you are experienced or have taken previous classes please bring your art work to class to show me what you would like
to work on for this session. Check out Artist Elaine Cimino portfolio online at
Register at front desk or online
Upcoming Spring 2013 Art Workshops in ABQ
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Study of Georgia Okeefe painting usine Pastel and Watercolor
There are several classes being offered for adults at the North Valley and Highland Senior Centers. Please see our web page and sign up. You can pay for the class online or come to class and pay. Please remember to sign up if you are interested. We try to have at least 3 people and the limit is 8 people per class. Classes may cancel if we do not have the attendance needed. Whether you are experienced or a beginner you are welcome. Depending on the experience of the class each lesson will be geared towards the students interest. → Read more
Reminder Children’s Born To Draw Saturday Morning Art Classes
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Course Proposal and Syllabus:
Session 1
Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program
The Born to Draw program is designed for children in grades K-6th. The Children’s Spring Workshop will be for children 7-11 years of age. The course is designed to teach observational drawing though shape relationships. The students will learn formal elements of drawing such as mark making, line, shape, placement, angels, textures, value, color, and perspective. Session A runs from January 26 to March 2, 2013
Each class is geared for the child to complete a drawing within the allotted 40-50 minutes or less time frame. The Born to Draw Step-by-Step Drawing program features animals and still life. Children should know basic shapes of the square, triangle, circle and oval. I encourage parents to have their children attend both sessions. Session B runs from March 23 to April 27
The classes will be offered for two 50-minute sessions with a five-minute break and time for set up and clean up included in the class. Total length of class time is 2 hours.
Drawing and Art Techniques
Depending on the age and the child’s development and skill levels, it is possible to evolve into another session for a continuum of developing drawing skills. Throughout the class the children will experiment with different media that include watercolor, color pencil, pen and ink.
Painting by Cezanne Still Life – 1890-94 oil on canvas
Session 2
Drawing Still Life
Drawing from 3D objects increases your children’s knowledge of the effects of light on form, volume and line. Observational drawing teaches one to learn to see. Students will work with still-life setups, start with simple materials and compositions, then move to more complicated media exploring textures and concepts. This is a great class to begin studies in art or to improve drawing skills.
Painting of Giorgio Morandi Modern still life
In this session the students will be introduced to great master artists like Cezanne, Matisse, Morandi, O’Keeffe and Steir.
The second session builds on the first session, however, all beginning drawers are welcome. Beginners who have not had the Born to Draw classes’ prior will start with the curriculum of the first session.
17544 Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program (ages 7-11), Section A Tuition: $160.00 Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 6 sessions starting January 26, 2013, ending March 2, 2013 Location: CE South Building Instructor: Cimino Materials Cost: $0.00 Available Discounts Available 11/26/2012 17544 Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program (ages 7-11), Section B Tuition: $160.00 Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 6 sessions starting March 23, 2013, ending April 27, 2013 Location: CE South Building Instructor: Cimino Materials Cost: $0.00 Available Discounts Available 3/23/2013Tags: Art Education, arts programs, Born to Draw, Children’s art, children’s arts,Community Arts, drawing, Elaine Cimino, learn to draw, Learn to paint, Learning,Visual Arts