Posts Tagged ‘artwork’
New Mexico Landscapes
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Learn Pastels the easy way! Painting with Pastels
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Learn pastels and expand your creativity! Take art classes and learn skills that will be with you for a life-time.
This art class covers color theory and painting techniques in soft chalk pastels. You learn about papers and various drawing techniques. Beginners welcomed.
If you are experienced or have taken previous classes please bring your art work to class to show me what you would like to work on for this session.
Register at front desk or online.
Where: North Valley Senior Center
Times: 4:30pm – 6:30 pm
Dates: February 3 – 24 th
Days: Tuesday Afternoons
Cost: $45.00 person
Other: Materials supplied
Warhol Warhol Everywhere
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BY Rachel Wolff
A quarter century after Andy Warhol’s death, his work resonates more than ever. Several museum exhibitions are focusing on his influence in painting, photography, film, performance, and more
Deborah Kass, 16 Barbras (The Jewish Jackie Series), 1992, a Warhol-inspired series with wit and irony added
“The worst thing that could happen to you after the end of your time would be to be embalmed and laid up in a pyramid,” Andy Warhol wrote in his 1975 book The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again). “[I] like the idea of people turning into sand or something, so the machinery keeps working after you die. … I guess disappearing would be shirking work that your machinery still had left to do.”
Few artists are so eager and able to accurately assess their legacy, but there is something eerily prescient about Warhol’s grainy conception of death. His machinery, it seems, is still very much ticking away. His themes, processes, personas, and approach to making art are evident in everything from the ready-mades and Pop portraits of his direct descendents to the work of some of the most boundary-pushing conceptualists, abstract painters, and video artists working today. → Read more
Watercolors by Gerhard Richter
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I am posting the biography for Richter that is on his website along with links, one of which is the link to the 250 abstract and portrait watercolors Richter has created. It is my hope that my students view his works to see the great body of work that he has cultivated over his life. i am a fan of his work and only hope I have the opportunity to view his work once again.
His current exhibtion, “Seven Works” at the Portland Museum is closing Spetember 9th 2012.
An important group of paintings from the Gray Series by this post-World War II German artist, Richter positions painting as a formally reductive and sensuously rich experience through these groundbreaking works from the late 1960s to mid-1970s. — Curated by Bruce Guenther, The Robert and Mercedes Eichholz Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art.
“I blur things to make everything equally important and equally unimportant. I blur things so that they do not look artistic or craftsmanlike but technological, smooth and perfect. I blur things to make all the parts a closer fit. Perhaps I also blur out the excess of unimportant information.” Gerhard Richter
Richter in the 21st Century: Real and Tangible Accomplishments
“Well, after this century of grand proclamations and terrible illusions, I hope for an era in which real and tangible accomplishments, and not grand proclamations, are the only things that count.”1 → Read more
The Nine Nobel Peace Laureates Call on NBC to Cancel “Stars Earn Stripes”
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New show promotes an “inglorious tradition of glorifying war and armed violence”
Rigoberta Menchu Tum giclee print can be found in the shop and portfolio on this website
OTTAWA – August 13 – Nine Nobel Peace Laureates today issued an open letter to the Chairman of NBC Entertainment, as well as General Wesley Clark and others involved in the new “reality” show premiering tonight on NBC—“Stars Earn Stripes”—calling on them to walk away from the show immediately.
In the letter, the Laureates—who include Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jody Williams and President Oscar Arias Sanchez—note that “war isn’t entertainment” and challenge NBC’s promotional line that that such a television program would be “pay[ing] homage to the men and women who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces and our first-line responder services.”
The Laureates say that the program pays homage to no one and is “a massive disservice to those who live and die in armed conflict and suffer its consequences long after the guns of war fall silent.” → Read more
THE WORLD´S FIRST INTERNATIONAL TEACHING ARTIST CONFERENCE SEANSE ART CENTER is proud to present the first international conference to focus on TEACHING ARTISTRY. We invite artists, arts educators, administrators and interested professionals from all over the world to join us for an unprecedented three days of inquiry into this worldwide phenomenon, this rich opportunity, this growing trend. WITH: ERIC BOOTH (USA), ANNA CUTLER(UNITED KINGDOM), GIGI ANTONI (USA), GRACE GACHOCHA (TANZANIA), AMANDINA LIHAMBA (TANZANIA), HILARY EASTON (USA), SARAH JOHNSON (USA), JUAN FELIPE MOLANO (COLOMBIA), JUAN ANTONIO CUELLAR (COLOMBIA), MARIT MOLTU (NORWAY), ANNE BAMFORD (UNITED KINGDOM), BRAD HASEMAN (AUSTRALIA), JOHANNES JONER (NORWAY) AND MARIT ULVUND (NORWAY) The conference will take place at: The House of Literature August 29 -31, 2012 Oslo, Norway → Read morepress release
June 19, 2012, 9:00 a.m. EDT
Ovation And Americans For The Arts Kick Off $110,000 Innovation Grant Program Online Application Process Now Open MONICA, Calif. and WASHINGTON, June 19, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Continuing its quest to recognize the role artists play in revitalizing their communities, Ovation, the only network dedicated to art, artists and all forms of artistic storytelling, has partnered with Americans for the Arts, the nation’s leading organization for advancing the arts and arts education, and has opened the online application process for its new national grant program, innOVATION. The online submission site, available at , will be accepting applications for the inaugural innOVATION Grant Program until 5p.m. ET on July 31, 2012. → Read more
Elaine Cimino Studios
Registration for Art Classes July through December 2012
at the North Valley Senior Center
Lila A Showgir
Please check a class and spark your creativity
o Learn Watercolor –July 17th –September 11th for 8 wks Cost: $75.00 o Pastel Workshop – September 18th– October 30th for 6wks Cost: $65.00 o Drawing for the Holidays and Special Occasions- November 6th -December 18th for 6 wks Cost: $65.00All Classes will be on Tuesday Afternoons at 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Method of payment
Cash, Check: Make payable to: Elaine Cimino Studios
Use SASE available at Senior Center Office
or use PayPal for online payment
Instructions for PayPal, Go to PayPal website.
Click “send money” Button You will send to my email address
Contact me through this website
This oil painting resulted from a computer generated image that I designed for the Born to Draw Children’s Art Drawing Program. The computer image was to be a demo from the Matisse cut-out project that teach color and shape relationships to 3rd grade -6th grade children.
The composition of the piece had to fit an elongated format of the slab door without looking like a montage of two pictures juxtaposed.
There were objects changes from the original sketch. The paint is drying now and after completely dried I would like to apply to the painting a non-yellowing and UV protect varnish. There is not enough time to do that and allow the painting to completely dry before the artist reception. The painting was completed on a slab door 30″ by 80″ in oil. The sides and back ofhte painting is stain natural and has a hand wax and polished finish.
I hope that whomever purchases “When Life Serves You Lemons…” enjoys the painting for a very long time.
When Life serves you Lemons... is the title of the piece for the Sawmill land trust art action to be held on April 24th at the Hotel Albuquerque 5-8 pm
This is the painting I just finished today called, “When life serves you lemons…” I am working on it in a corner of my kitchen. It is for a fundraiser for the Sawmill Land Trust art auction they picked 25 artists and will have a reception April 6th and the Art Auction will be held at the Hotel Albuquerque April 26th 5-8pm. The painting is a homage to Henri Matisse and a painting that should sell. It is painted on a door slab 30″ x 80 ” painted in oils. it is up to the buyer of the painting to use as an artwork or a door.