Posts Tagged ‘pastel classes’
Reminder Painting with Soft Chalk Pastels Classes with Elaine Cimino
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Expand your creativity! Take art classes and learn skills that will be with you for a life-time. This art class covers color theory and painting techniques in soft chalk pastels. You learn about papers and various drawing techniques. Beginners welcomed. If you are experienced or have taken previous classes please bring your art work to class to show me what you would like to work on for this session.
Autumn in the Rockies
Reminder classes begin on Tuesday. Please contact Elaine Cimino on the website to register. This Class is a workshop setting.
Where: North Valley Senior Center
Times: 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Days: Tuesdays January 8th – January 29th (3 classes)
Cost: $45.00
Other: Materials List available Online
Register: Online registration Available