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Reminder Children’s Born To Draw Saturday Morning Art Classes
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Course Proposal and Syllabus:
Session 1
Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program
The Born to Draw program is designed for children in grades K-6th. The Children’s Spring Workshop will be for children 7-11 years of age. The course is designed to teach observational drawing though shape relationships. The students will learn formal elements of drawing such as mark making, line, shape, placement, angels, textures, value, color, and perspective. Session A runs from January 26 to March 2, 2013
Each class is geared for the child to complete a drawing within the allotted 40-50 minutes or less time frame. The Born to Draw Step-by-Step Drawing program features animals and still life. Children should know basic shapes of the square, triangle, circle and oval. I encourage parents to have their children attend both sessions. Session B runs from March 23 to April 27
The classes will be offered for two 50-minute sessions with a five-minute break and time for set up and clean up included in the class. Total length of class time is 2 hours.
Drawing and Art Techniques
Depending on the age and the child’s development and skill levels, it is possible to evolve into another session for a continuum of developing drawing skills. Throughout the class the children will experiment with different media that include watercolor, color pencil, pen and ink.
Painting by Cezanne Still Life – 1890-94 oil on canvas
Session 2
Drawing Still Life
Drawing from 3D objects increases your children’s knowledge of the effects of light on form, volume and line. Observational drawing teaches one to learn to see. Students will work with still-life setups, start with simple materials and compositions, then move to more complicated media exploring textures and concepts. This is a great class to begin studies in art or to improve drawing skills.
Painting of Giorgio Morandi Modern still life
In this session the students will be introduced to great master artists like Cezanne, Matisse, Morandi, O’Keeffe and Steir.
The second session builds on the first session, however, all beginning drawers are welcome. Beginners who have not had the Born to Draw classes’ prior will start with the curriculum of the first session.
17544 Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program (ages 7-11), Section A Tuition: $160.00 Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 6 sessions starting January 26, 2013, ending March 2, 2013 Location: CE South Building Instructor: Cimino Materials Cost: $0.00 Available Discounts Available 11/26/2012 17544 Born to Draw: A Children’s Drawing Program (ages 7-11), Section B Tuition: $160.00 Saturday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 6 sessions starting March 23, 2013, ending April 27, 2013 Location: CE South Building Instructor: Cimino Materials Cost: $0.00 Available Discounts Available 3/23/2013Tags: Art Education, arts programs, Born to Draw, Children’s art, children’s arts,Community Arts, drawing, Elaine Cimino, learn to draw, Learn to paint, Learning,Visual Arts
THE WORLD´S FIRST INTERNATIONAL TEACHING ARTIST CONFERENCE SEANSE ART CENTER is proud to present the first international conference to focus on TEACHING ARTISTRY. We invite artists, arts educators, administrators and interested professionals from all over the world to join us for an unprecedented three days of inquiry into this worldwide phenomenon, this rich opportunity, this growing trend. WITH: ERIC BOOTH (USA), ANNA CUTLER(UNITED KINGDOM), GIGI ANTONI (USA), GRACE GACHOCHA (TANZANIA), AMANDINA LIHAMBA (TANZANIA), HILARY EASTON (USA), SARAH JOHNSON (USA), JUAN FELIPE MOLANO (COLOMBIA), JUAN ANTONIO CUELLAR (COLOMBIA), MARIT MOLTU (NORWAY), ANNE BAMFORD (UNITED KINGDOM), BRAD HASEMAN (AUSTRALIA), JOHANNES JONER (NORWAY) AND MARIT ULVUND (NORWAY) The conference will take place at: The House of Literature August 29 -31, 2012 Oslo, Norway → Read more