Upcoming Spring 2013 Art Workshops in ABQ

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Flower of Georgia O'Keeffe

Study of Georgia Okeefe painting usine Pastel and Watercolor

There are several classes being offered for adults at the North Valley and Highland Senior Centers. Please see our web page and sign up. You can pay for the class online or come to class and pay. Please remember to sign up if you are interested. We try to have at least 3 people and the  limit is 8 people per class. Classes may cancel if we do not have the attendance needed. Whether you are experienced or a beginner you are welcome. Depending on the experience of the class each lesson will be geared towards the students interest.

The workshops covers primarily landscape painting however, if you are interested in figurative work I can work with you on your projects. Consider working on at least two painting while in attendance.

If you have taken the program before come back and work on another project.

Below are the links for the North Valley Senior Center fliers:


Mixed Media_flyer_NVSC



Below are the links for the Highland Senior Center fliers:




Remember to sign up so we know that you are interested in the program.